Monday, October 1, 2012

Getting back on the band wagon

Yikes, 10 months since I've been on here! I think I have missed writing about whats going on in my life. Its very therapeutic to write about the day/week/month and vent sometimes. 

Update: Still in college, only 2 months and 2 weeks left of this semester, I'm 24 (hoorah insurance goes down next year), and currently working at the hospital. There is a ton more, but that's not as important. 

So this semester is all pediatrics and OB clinicals... babies babies babies. 

They aren't all this cute... but I don't tell them that ;)

It's officially hit me today that summer is over... for good. Were getting weather in the 20's this week, time to break out the vest, boots, scarves, hats, and mittens! I have been enjoying the holiday latte flavors, and I'm most excited for pumpkin patch trips/corn mazes. It will be splendid! 

This month I am also moving, hopefully for the last time till I graduate. My aunt is having my move into her house to care take while they are temporarily live elsewhere. I'm excited to have some solo time living for once. So this next week I need to break out the boxes and get the easy stuff done first like books, movies etc. 

I'm cutting this short this time to get onto homework, or a nap... tehehe 

Thanks for reading :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Giddy Humor, excuse me?

Interview at 1:00pm today, this is how I should get through. 

Why did you leave your last job?
Real answer: It sucked.
What you should say: I felt my talents and abilities were underutilized.

What are your biggest weaknesses?
Real answer: I can't concentrate for more than five minutes, hate all forms of authority and tend to fall asleep at my desk.
What you should say: I'm a workaholic. I just don't know when to put down my work.

How do you handle change?
Real answer: I deal with it everyday, unless I'm out of clean underwear.
What you should say: I think everyone knows that today the only constant is change. I thrive on it.

How do you get along with others?
Real answer: Fine, as long as they stay out of my face.
What you should say: I think the interpersonal dynamics of the workplace can be among the most satisfying aspects of any job.

What does the word success mean to you?
Real answer: It means that I don't have to drag my sorry ass out of bed to kiss yours.
What you should say: Success, for me, would be knowing I am making a difference working with a team of people to make a more profitable enterprise.
I got back to the gym yesterday, I had to muster up any and all energy and encouragement to go... Thanks Heather!  Burnt 400 calories in 35 minutes. Going to do that again today and hit up a cardio kick-box class.  The next thing I need to work on is a healthy eating habit schedule. UGHHHH I HATE VEGETABLES! They are the death....
Today a very close friend of mine is finding out the sex of her baby. According to the following it's going to be a girl, it goes off the month of conception and the age of the female. I mean really who believes the Chinese calendars anyways. They all think the world is ending this year too.... 2012 AHHHH.. I think it's going to be a boy.  But the real results are at 3 pm today (EEEEK!)
Rambling on, I can't wait to get started with clinicals this semester and get into the hospital. I crave that need to be there and helping people! It's my God given right... and calling my name! I need this job. 

Furthermore, on my New Year's resolution, I have been doing my research to learn more. It's working and I'm liking the results.  
Gotta get off here and work on Resume' and Cover letter madness ;) 
<3 Jenn

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Big Bang

I have spaced on leaving an update on my life lately. I guess I felt the need to pull away for a bit. It's been a wild ride these past few weeks, a slammed holiday and lot's of change coming up.

- Received my CNA in the mail and now comes the long process of endless applications to get a job :)
-Moving into a new place at the end of January
-Made a New Year's resolution I promise to not break!
-Start school in a week.... yikes!
-I have a good outlook of positive things to happen soon :) :)

I have truly enjoyed this winter break, spent it with lots of my favorite people. Tonight I am at my mom and dads house in Timbuktoo, the peace and quiet is nice :) My momma made homemade fry bread and I just love it. I wish I had the talent of cooking with oil... and not involving a flame! I spent last night with a friend of mine, and had a blast. I did everything that made me feel like a kid again... coloring, girls night, doing each others hair, and playing games. There are some things in life that seem so relieving to be apart of. Being around her family was comforting... as it reminded me of mine when I was a kid (or a few short years ago when I moved here). I'm sad to say that it's only my parents and I here in MT, I wish we lived closer to the rest of the family. 

That brings me to the second phase of break, Christmas Dinner. I went to my grandparents house in Whitefish, we had a big ham for dinner and lots of other food. I think this year was the biggest turn out in years for a family function. I had a lot of fun catching up with everyone and seeing all the animals. Everyone seemed to have brought their dog with them, like 6 total! My family does a white elephant game, I ended up with a Brita water filter for the fridge (YUM) I can't get enough of filtered water :) Ever since I moved here from Washington I can't stand MT water because I am used to the city water being infused with chlorine and fluoride.  I have learned to cope, however. It was a fun gathering all around.

Next matters, New Year's! I went to the movie "New Year's Eve" on New Year's cliche'   Dam right lol. It was such a fantastic movie too. I was headed to drop my friend off at her house and we dropped by the grocery store for her to pick up a six pack and I had to buy s'mores stuff. I snuck by the Valentine's day stuff and grabbed a Hershey's kiss (the big ones) in a box and hurried to the register to pay before she got up there. In the car she were saying goodbyes and she jokingly said that she wouldn't be the one giving me my new years kiss and I whipped out the "kiss" and handed it to her and said "Too late you have to have mine!" It was funny, she laughed and thought it was cute! No one should be left without a New Years kiss! I then continued my night off at a friends house with a bonfire, s'mores, and fireworks... and of course watched the ball drop! It was a fun night.

It took me a long time to decide on a New Years resolution. I wanted to do something that wasn't the original lose weight, quit smoking/drinking, eat healthier, etc. I wanted something that I could stick to and would actually change my life or give me a better perspective of it. I chose to learn the definition of "something" what that something is I won't share till I find it out. I need to have my own defining factors of it to know what the true meaning is, once I know I will share with all! It's kind of like a fun journey, along the way it will leave good memories.

I should get to sleep, early early morning tomorrow! G'night all. <3

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Baby Talk... ehh

I keep thinking more and more about this topic... but should I? I had a pediatric assessment in one of my classes last week and it opened my eyes. I came to notice that my fellow students who have kids (or raised them) talk differently to the children. It's the tone of voice, the sweet mother caring voice, and it's like they get where the child is coming from. I felt sort of left out, which sucks. I want kids granted, but not now. It makes me wonder if I would make a good pediatric nurse not having this character about myself. Will I eventually learn to talk to kids in a way that is mother like? Ahh all the questions that run through my head sometimes.

Today I went to a class at my gym, cross training, and OH BOY! That had to be the best work-out I have had in a long time. I am glad that I went because it intrigued me to go again. We worked out our abs, quads, and upper body. I guess they switch up the routine every week so it works all your muscles. Tomorrow I'm going to try out a cycling class. I will keep this as a mental picture the whole time ;)

Well enough of my thoughts for now. I think I'm going to finish my book, Vanishing Acts. Maybe!
Night <3 Jenn

Monday, December 5, 2011

Who's giving out my phone number!!

I received yet another phone call for some group/organization in Bozeman trying to recruit me. This time it was a church, last time is was some child sitter thing (I'm not really sure). I can't seem to figure out where they are getting my number, because MSU shouldn't be giving it out. Maybe I have an arch enemy in Bozeman... uhoh what did I do this time! Maybe if I keep ignoring the phone calls they will stop, who knows!

Today was productive, I cleaned my room, washed all my bedding, hung Christmas lights, put up more Christmas decorations, sent out my Christmas cards, and did my online homework. Looks like tomorrow I get to actually enjoy my day and be lazy after class. I have 1 week of school left... where did the time go? Last night I finished my Christmas shopping and wrapped presents... YAY. I still want to keep buying for everyone, but it has to stop somewhere I guess. Tomorrow is back to the gym, I need to bust some moves on the cardio machines!

I'm getting very excited for the weeks to come, seems like there is so much festivities going on. Next weekend I'm going to go to the Bethlehem Night play at the church, I went once years ago and loved the play. The 17th I am going to a Willy Wonka Jr. play at a jr. high here in town. That looks like it will be fun to watch. I will probably take my little sister to both showings and spend some time with her. An old roommate will be home for Christmas so it will be good to see her, I might venture out and road trip to Bozeman to visit out there. I have decided I am only going to work at my current job over break and enjoy the time off, as next semester might kill me (jk). I was going to try for a second job, but why complicate things. I want to go ice fishing, read books, and most of all spend some time with the family. Well I'm going to wrap this up, I'm tired of typing.

Good Night, God bless, <3 Jenn

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What's in your wallet? ... Nothing

I went shopping again tonight, but not for myself. I bought more Christmas gifts. I really loving buying things for others and knowing that it will make them smile when they open it. I should be buying textbooks instead right now... I can't afford to be buying gifts... UGH this holiday season stuff sucks. Why couldn't it be as easy as giving everyone a can of soup :)
I wouldn't keep friends very long haha Today was pretty exciting... NOT! But it was relaxing. I passed on class this morning, slept in. I began baking at about 9:30 am... Chocolate dipped pretzels... Dark chocolate, white chocolate, mint, butterscotch, and milk chocolate. There was a few hundred pretzels when I was done. I put them in the freezer to keep before I put them all together for the goodie bags I plan to hand out! Yummm :)

I managed to squeeze in a work out today, 35 minutes of cardio... however I'm thinking I'm going to set a new years revolution to eat healthier as well as work out. Strict diet and hard core working out and I will be fit for summer... tehehe! Lets see other than making tons of pretzels I did fill out a scholarship and send it in! Ok well I'm going to hop in the shower and hit the hay... or decorate the tree :)

Good night <3 Jenn

Monday, November 28, 2011

Letters of Rejection

I come home from vacation to a stack of mail; Christmas cards I ordered, school textbooks, and best yet a letter from City Brew. I thought, hmm that's odd why would they be sending me a letter of all people, I did apply there way back in September, but never heard back for an interview. Sure enough I open it and it was indeed a rejection letter. As if not calling me back wasn't enough haha! That was the highlight of yesterday.

I got to visit my friend in the hospital yesterday and today, she is healing well. I must say she is a kick in the pants on narcotics and coffee :) It strikes me odd how we go through life not realizing how many people we have by our sides each and every day and the lengths people go to when not asked. I get to thinking something who would be there if I were in the hospital, who would come visit, and who wouldn't show up. If any thing it made me realize that opening a door for people, giving the person ahead of you at the store a dollar when they are short, and letting pedestrians cross the street really do pay in the end. I guess I like to see people go that length for me if ever need be, it all counts in the end.

Tonight we put up the tree and put lights on it. I had fun while running to the store for a strand of lights, I bought real mistletoe, a stocking, and a cute snowman thing to hang outside on the porch! We are planning on putting up the lights outside sometime here in the next week!!

I'm going to have to cut this short, I have some massive assignment to kick butt on tonight.. ahh. I got to skip out on working out tonight due to the fact that I gave blood hehehe I know working out is very good, but so is giving blood :)

Goodnight <3 Jenn